
"The Widow's Might" Movie Review

As news  in the film industry goes, The Widow's Might is hardly a hot headline. Its moment in the sun was four long years ago, when it amazingly beat Fireproof to win first prize at SAICFF, America's largest Christian film festival. By now, the actors have all grown up, and many of the people involved…

"Captivated" Movie Review

Do you ever find yourself sitting passively in front of your TV or computer, watching or clicking, but not really learning or doing anything? You click, and look, and feel aimless, and think about how you really should go do something productive. You yawn and think about going to bed, but don't. Instead you keep sitting in front of the screen as if mesmerized by something very interesting... only…

"Journey To Jamaa" Review: A Short Movie To Make You Count Your Blessings

I can read and write. I have shoes. I live in a sturdy house, with air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. Our area has good laws and good law enforcement. There are no epidemic contagious diseases here. Most of all, our family knows and shares the Love of Jesus. Human nature being what it is, I find it all too easy to take these most basic blessings for granted. That's one reason…

What Do We Mean By "Clean" Christian Novels?

When talking about our books, we often mention the word "clean" - but that term connotes different things for different people. While we can't speak for what it means to anyone else, we can tell you what it means to us. This short list of guidelines is by no means exhaustive, but it will give you a pretty good idea of the standard we use for our writing.

  1. Freedom from any sort…

A Persimmon Tree And The Want Of A Horseshoe Nail

In generations long past, mothers taught their sons this little rhyming parable:

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost
For want of a horse, the rider was lost
For want of a rider, the message was lost
For want of a message, the battle was lost
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost
And all for…