How To Load Kindle And Nook Books On Your E-Reader Or Computer

Elisha Press Christian novels are available in two digital formats: .mobi (Kindle) and .epub, the open format used by Nook. These files cannot be opened with common software such as Adobe Reader. They require either a dedicated reader device or a special app. The good news is, there is a free and easy-to-use app available for all computing platforms. If you have trouble reading our files, please find your platform below and check out the instructions. If you still can't get it working, feel free to contact us for help.

Note: Some of these instructions are untested, as we don't have all these types of devices. Please let us know if anything doesn't work so we can improve this page.

Kindle Or Kindle Fire

The easiest way to get third-party .mobi files onto your Kindle is through a process called "sideloading," which means hooking up the device to your computer and copying the book directly to its storage.

  1. Hook up your Kindle to your computer via USB.
  2. Open the device storage in your OS's file explorer. It may be called "SDCARD."
  3. Copy your .mobi file(s) to the "/my files/documents" folder.
  4. Dismount the device from the computer.


  1. Hook up your Nook to your computer via USB.
  2. Open the "MyNookColor" device with your OS's file explorer.
  3. Copy your .epub file(s) to the "my files/books" folder.
  4. Dismount the device from the computer.

iPhone / iPad

  1. Install the free Kindle or iBooks app from the App Store.
  2. Email the desired file as an attachment to an address you can access from the iPhone or iPad.
  3. Open the file, which should already be associated with the app you installed - .epub will open in iBooks, .mobi in Kindle.


  1. Install the official Amazon Kindle or BN Nook app, both free from Google Play.
  2. Hook up the device to the computer using a USB cable and open its memory card in your OS's file explorer.
  3. Copy your .mobi file(s) to the "kindle" directory, or the .epub file to the "Nook/MyDocuments" directory.
  4. Dismount the device from the computer and start the app you selected. The new book(s) should be available in it.

Windows XP - 7 or Mac

Download and install the free Kindle reading program for Windows or Mac, then follow these instructions to load a .mobi file into the program:

  1. With the Kindle application closed, locate the directory where it stores your .mobi files.
    • On Windows, this will be called "My Kindle Content," and you can find it under your "My Documents" folder.
    • On Mac OSX, look for "Kindle Content" under your "Documents" folder.
  2. Copy the desired .mobi file(s) into this directory.
  3. Restart the Kindle application.

Windows 8

On the offical Amazon Kindle app for Windows 8, there is evidently no way to load .mobi files from anywhere but the Kindle Store. Instead, you'll need to get an alternate free .mobi reading such as Fiction Book Reader Lite. This will allow you to open .mobi and .epub books just like any other kind of files.